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There Are Thousands and Thousands of Testimonials Regarding This Online System. A Few Are Below.

If you wish to be involved in a Platform that is honest, long-term and does things because we care about people then you are in the right place.

This is a Unique, Honest System where our #1 job is to provide a
Value and Character based business.

Providing More Value is the key to building a business these days. The ONLY way More Value can be provided to people in today\'s world is by hiring full-time programmers to build products(our suite of Marketing Tools) from the ground up which we have done. This keeps the price affordable for all and gives us all Higher Quality products.

No one in the Marketplace will be able to compete with us as we OWN all of the Unique Artificial Intelligence Marketing Systems that any business would need to use to build their business. We have either Patented the marketing products or they are proprietary to us.

The Key to any business is How Much Value Can You Give To Others. If you can provide More Value than anyone else at less cost then you take over the Market Place; that is exactly what we are doing.

We have a number of Marketing companies contacting us who wish to use our Marketing Platform and they have combined 4 million members. What happens to Our forced matrix business when you add 2 to 3 million people; these are people that will be put under you as a Founder. We feel we can add 30 million people in the 1st few years, probably ONLY two to three years.

We have OVER 10 Networking companies who wish to JOIN with us and use Our Proprietor Products to build their Network Marketing company for their affiliates.
These companies are going to Recommend to their affiliates about joining with Us under their Company. Another few millions of affiliates joining with us as we have No Competition.

This will mean we could add Over 2-3 million people easily within one year. If you Become A Founder NOW then many of these members would be in Your Payline.

When we LAUNCH we will Bring In Affiliates; All these affiliates WILL BE under the Founders. That is How it is set up.
You can still become a Founder if you act quickly as we are close to launch.

No One will be able to compete with us in this marketplace. Build a better mousetrap and the world will come to your door because we can charge less for a higher quality product as we build them and we own them - this allows us to set our own prices where we can beat our competition every time.

Our products are built-from-the-ground up by our Software Engineers. We own 100% of ALL the marketing products we use and we will License the use of these products to Companies and affiliates when we Launch. When you become a Founder you are already Licensed to Offer Our Products to companies and/or affiliates. WE COMPLETELY BUILD YOUR BUSINESS FOR YOU. YOU DO NOTHING.

Or I should say there are Two Things you will need to do:
  1. Pay a One-Time yearly fee
  2. Pay a One-Time $25 to $900 at startup, no monthly fees.
There is nothing else you are required to do. These are the ONLY requirements to earn up to $2,000,000.00 within the first two to three years when you join as a Founder, at this time.

We also provide the best quality Traffic available for Affiliate marketers, Network Marketers or any Offline or Online business that needs a Marketing System; we own, control or have access to up to 100 million people worldwide who are looking for Income Solutions.


Ash and this platform was introduced to me a little while ago and I immediately saw how it WILL solve more than one of my needs. His drive and passion for creating a platform to help everyone from seasoned marketers to the \"little guy\" helped solidify my belief. Then learning how we benefit financially with optional starting points, makes this an ideal model for anyone with a business who needs advertising. Thank you Ash for your vision and help for so many people around the world. Tim Leach

I would love to say that i am so thrilled to be a part of this as I have known Ash Mufareh for quite a few years and anything he does he gives 100% of himself. He truly cares about others and he is very professional and dedicated plus he has a real passion for helping others to succeed. We are truly in great hands with Ash Mufareh at the wheel & I trust in him completely to deliver to us the best business and the last business we will need to join.Thank you so much Ash for being such a fantastic Leader & for not giving up on us! Sincerely, Juanita Sheppard

My name is Debbie Johnson. I have owned a marketing company since 2009. The tools we are receiving are such an incredible value for any marketer or business owner! These tools would cost multiple hundreds, possibly thousands of dollars per month. I would have signed up just to gain access to these tools for myself and clients, without the business opportunity. It\'s so great that we can share quality products with others and make life changing income in the process. Thanks so much for your vision, Ash. Let\'s change some lives.
Debbie Johnson
President, BDT Marketing Solutions, Inc.

I want to personally say thank you to everyone on this awesome journey that Ash Mufareh has created. As many of you may not know, Ash is a very successful online marketer and has made his living in this industry building massive teams for various companies. He saw a big need for creating a company that would help the average person succeed online so he decided to build it himself. When you listen to his Founder\'s presentations or when you speak with him, you will immediately feel his passion to build a highly effective business where every single person will be a success.

He is building everything from the ground floor and using his vast knowledge and experience of successful ideas to create a unique and exciting business, lead generation and compensation plan called OnPassive.

Before launching, he has already set up, 3 offices with about 200 salaried employees.

This feat is unprecedented in this industry!

He has released a beta version of an advanced website for the founders to use as a marketing tool. This is a temporary website for the Founders to use to promote (if they choose) to sign up more Founders to join this incredible opportunity before launching the compensation plan.

The back-office will be a technologically advanced system with a ton of tools, marketing materials, and online business training.

You have joined a unique concept that has never been done before with the intent to help thousands succeed in making money online for many years to come! Get ready for the experience of a lifetime! This Will Undoubtedly Change Your Life!
Mike Williams- Gotimemike

When it comes to digital marketing there are loads of commentators that talk a good game, but this Platform and The support staff help you make it happen. They have enabled me, coached me and given me the confidence to share my story widely. It\'s engaging customers and industry commentators alike, and bringing our new business great results. Levi Baker

Wow, I am blown away by this website ... As I read through all the testimonials I found myself agreeing with everything. Nowadays you do not find any sites like that. I must say Ash is a man of his word and I love talking to him... he is so positive and so Upbeat!! I could not have even dreamed there would be a website that could have all of these tools at our disposal. All I can say is ASH and TEAM you have done something that is nothing short of BRILLIANT!! Thank you so Much for the Opportunity. And don\'t forget to come to my Hometown Nashville either for a convention or just for pleasure look me up!!!
Marlon Milo Davis

Ash and all the support members,
I wanted to thank you so much for Your Platform after listening to tonight\'s webinar, it has got me more fired up than ever!. I know this will be the true game changer we all have been waiting for.
Thank You and God Bless. Kevin Phillip Small

I\'m so grateful and excited to be a Founder in this Platform. Like many other online marketers, this is a business model that I\'ve dreamed about for many years. To be presented with this opportunity is a true gift!
We are all very fortunate to have Ash\'s vision and drive to make this the vehicle in which his dream and all of our financial dreams can become a reality.
From the positive and sincere webinars Ash provides us to the amazing support team, I know that I\'m putting my heart into the right business. Thank you, Ash, for your dedication and support system so we can all be on this amazing journey together!
Blessings, Randi Johnson

I must say the excitement that\'s surrounding this system is unlike anything I\'ve seen before. Founders from around the globe are coming in around the clock. Ash has truly put his vision into action. A platform that will work for the masses. From the least experienced to the most experienced, this platform will work for both groups of marketers. Many of us have been burned before and this is why this platform was developed. To put trust and honesty back into this arena. Something that has been missing for quite some time. I encourage all Founders to detach from the past and look at \"THIS\" as a fresh start. By doing so, I\'m sure we will all meet at the Top
Clinton Tyler Jr

I\'m a young entrepreneur who believes in working hard and leading by example. Just like everyone else, I have Big Dreams and Goals and simply doing my very best to accomplish my desires and help others in the process! Super Excited to be another leader in this amazing organization!
Miguel Hills

Dear Ash... Besides being \"Good Looking\" (lol) you have a heart of gold! I sincerely want to say Thank You for allowing yourself to be the vessel that is bringing forth what will definitely be a paradigm shift in the way that Online Marketing is done!

Even before the first dime is made, I am just so grateful to be a Founder HERE and all that means for those of us who are fortunate enough to see the vision of where we are going. I wish to encourage those who are ready to make a positive difference in their finances, and in their lives period, to join with us and share in this historic moment that will bring about an enormous change to our world. While we may be the influencing factor in how Online Marketing will be done in the future, as Founders, our influence will carry over to other parts of the world as we put to good use all that we have been privileged enough to share. My sincerest Thanks to our team, to you and your lovely wife, without whom we may not be where we are at this time, as I know that she is a major support system for all of us and she is also loved and appreciated. It is a privilege to be a Founder and I am with you 1,000%! Much Love,
Victoria Leal

I loved your \"Confessions\" videos! I appreciate your passion on educating others about Online Marketing. What you are doing, and how you are doing it will only elevate the respect people will have for our industry in the future. The \"mindset\" you always talk about is something that has really helped me.I view you as one of the honest voices in this industry. Thank you very much and keep up the great work! Roem Emverda

I want to thank you for being able to allow us to prosper in this crazy internet world.
This system is like a dream come true. This will be a system for all those that have for so long struggled in their search for success and happiness. It is truly finally here. I want to thank Ash for being here and enabling so many to see hope for a better life. This system will be that hope , that dream come true . Thank You so much, Brian Brock

I\'m really excited about this and cannot wait for the site to be activated. To see this video you will usually have to copy and paste it into your browser:
Edwin Cabrera CEO | Online Marketing Consultants

In my 19 years successful career in this space,I have never seen a business so full, so disruptive, so intriguing that everyone I approach is excited to belong. Did a Facebook post, alongside my WhatsApp campaign, on the founder position, that attracted 122 comments, 14 people have joined direct to me and in less than 48 hours, 59 super qualified leads have submitted their email, requesting information to be founders, AND ALL THESE WITHOUT ANYTHING YET ON GROUND, not even a website. I am totally blown away and will build my final dynasty here.
PRINCE OBI (princeofwealth), Nigeria

DM Dave Marshall - Canada
Ash ... Thank you for your vision in creating a legitimate business model where everyone can succeed. Like many others, I have been ripped off and lied to… to the point where I was about to walk away from internet marketing for good. However in my heart I knew that the only way to create true financial freedom was via the internet with the combined efforts of many. I am so proud to be a Founder and I look forward to what lies ahead for all of us!!
06:17am on Tuesday, February 5th, 2019

Robert Oates - Canada
I\'ve been a Founder since day 1 and happy to be apart of history!!

CM Craig Morrison - Canada
Oh yeah.....Canada all the way. Thank you Ash for making our lives such a better place. The future is about to change big time. Thank You from Cape Breton, Nova Scotia.

SN Sayarun Nessa - Canada
Eh! Canada!~ Oh Ya Way To Go! Excellent Banner!!! From Whitby, Ontario!!!

JM Janice Makely - Canada
Yah, So glad to be a part of this. Thank you Ash and everyone who has put this together. Thank you

JM Julia Jean McCrea - Canada
Glad to be here! From Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan (hard to spell but easy to draw) lol! What a spectacular opportunity Ash has given us. Thank You!

CC Cheryl Cartwright - Canada
I am in Montreal. I have been here since day one also after many many online ventures that fell through. I KNOW Ash is going to make all that go away and make us grateful that we stayed online long enough to find this venture with him! Good luck and keep in touch. We need to form a Team Canada so we can all help each other out along the way! Anyone want to start one?03:49pm on Saturday, February 23rd, 2019

DR Diedrich Reimer - Canada
I am so proud to be here. Thank you Ash! Go Canada!

DL Doris Lum - Canada
Greetings from Vancouver, BC ! Very GRATEFUL to be part of this family of founders ! Together we will All WIN . Thank you Ash ❤️

JS Janou Sontag - Canada

John Blanchard - Canada
I\'m so proud to be part of this awesome community and opportunity... Thank You Ash and everyone involve for making this possible.

Pedro Petters - Canada
From Simcoe Ontario here, It\'s great to be part of this Family! A Special Thank You, Ash, and your Staff, for your hard work and dedication making a change for all of us... I am grateful. WE ARE IN IT, To WIN IT! ( I Love That Saying! )
I am so glad I was invited to become a Founder on Jan 26, it is exciting to see how we are growing in Founders each hour, day, and week, I just checked we are at 15,740 Members, ( March 1st 19. ) and we haven\'t even Launched yet! how bu that?
An exciting time Thanks to all.
06:02am on Friday,

AC Angela Currie
Angela Currie
05:02am on Wednesday, February 13th, 2019

GP Shannon Olson - Canada
Greetings all from Saskatoon,Saskatchewan. My name is Shannon Olson and I am so excited to be a part of this epic ground breaking opportunity that Ash and his team has estowed upon us..Iam humbled and thankful that Ash has stepped out and said....enough is enough and set out a vision of honesty,integrity and trust that is so refreshing I just knew I had to be part of this movement. Ash your vision brings mixed emotions for myself as countless of other marketers who have felt the dissappointments and blood sweat and tears. We are the exact sort you need to \"Be In It,To Win It\" I for one wount let yo down.
Yours Truly
02:43pm on Tuesday, March 5th, 2019

Joshua Hoover - United States
Hello everyone. Glad to be a part of this. I have a lot of questions. What is the next step I need to do?
02:26pm on Saturday, March 2nd, 2019

AJ Althea Jamieson
Wow nice to be here
05:37am on Wednesday, February 27th, 2019

HS Henry H. Stevens - United States
I just want to say I really miss the \"Club\" on Facebook.
11:59am on Tuesday, February 26th, 2019

Mariam Sutton-Wieberg - United States
05:30am on Tuesday, February 19th, 2019

JAMES SPENCER - United States
Hi Guys, James Spencer here I am really excited about this opportunity.Only we together can make a difference on this planet have a great day...
06:28pm on Thursday, February 14th, 2019

RW Rod Willis - United States of America
I\'m so glad I was invited to join The Founders and hope all of us here become a major success together.
02:31pm on Thursday, February 14th, 2019

RL Ro Lashua - United States
This is exciting to be involved with such a top notch group that are committed to success! Anxious for the launch, however, we know that building a GREAT Business takes time to do it RIGHT! Thank you Ash!!!
10:22am on Thursday, February 14th, 2019

Randi Johnson - United States: I\'m very happy and feel grateful to be here...
Cheers to all of us having an extraordinary experience and many thanks to Ash!!
10:08am on Monday, February 11th, 2019

April Lane - United States of America
Let\'s keep the momentum on blast!
Vision is the art of seeing things invisible to others🌹
Best Wishes,
April Natasha Lane
Owner of Parcel Suite ™
09:54am on Monday, February 11th, 2019

PB Preston Biggs - United States
Sweet! Keep \'em coming!
06:53am on Monday, February 11th, 2019

MN Mike Nawoyski - USA
I don\'t understand what is the purpose of this community section is all about.
07:21am on Sunday, February 10th, 2019

SN Sayarun Nessa - Canada
Too excited to work on this platform, truly global! Now I can meet multi-national community here ! Well Done!!
04:23pm on Saturday, February 9th, 2019

Viviana May - USA
This is all so exciting!
03:22pm on Saturday, February 9th, 2019

Melissa Caldarise - USA
I saw the vision at it\'s inception summer 2018 and jumped all in. Ash and his team are genius and we are
all truly bleassed! Time to stop the vicious cycle of insanity; onward and upward to prosperity and freedom!
06:23pm on Wednesday, February 6th, 2019

Doug Barbour - United States of America
Welcome Early Bird Founders...Put on your blinders and stay positive, take your dreams back off the shelf, because this train is about to leave the station. I believe after 30 years in networking, that this will be the ride of my entire life. I am so Blessed to be a part of this awesome business. Gooo-The Unlimited Platform Will Thrive SOON !! Doug Barbour UNC TARHEEL Native...
08:27am on Wednesday, February 6th, 2019

SB Steve Braddock - USA
looking forward to the update webinar on Thursday. Everyone make your final push to get new founders we are getting closer and closer to the launch. And very soon the large company founders campaign.
08:27pm on Tuesday, February 5th, 2019

JAMES SPENCER - United States
Hi Guys just want say to hello.I am James from Saratoga Springs NY...
I am really excited about this opportunity.....
02:14pm on Tuesday, February 5th, 2019

Kathleen Ayers - United States
Wow! Greetings to everyone! I am elated to see all the founders here from around the world. This is truly global! What Ash has done here reminds me of one of my favorite quotes from Victor Hugo; \"Make no small plans, for they have no power to stir the souls of men.\" Ash, you have outdone yourself. I am so happy that I responded to Ken Russo\'s email. Thanks again, Ken for all that you do. This is changing my life in so many ways.
11:38am on Tuesday, February 5th, 2019

David Zimmerman - United States
Ash, waited a long time for someone to do what you are doing. Grateful to be part of it, and in so early in this fantastic opportunity. No limits on where this voyage is going to take us. Thanks again for your vision, creativity and hard work.
David Zimmerman USA
05:16am on Tuesday, February 5th, 2019

Dixie Jean Crabtree - USA
So happy to be here! Thank you Ash and everyone for all the work you\'re doing. This is really going to be a life saver for me. You have NO idea! I\'m sure this is going to change a LOT of lives. I am Soooooo thankful!
05:10am on Tuesday, February 5th, 2019

MS Mariam Sutton-Wieberg - United States Thank you Ash for all your doing and have done. I know this will be amazing when we launch!!!!
09:53pm on Monday, February 4th, 2019

Rick Hunt - United StatesHello from Port Angeles, WA
I am excited to be a part of this business...can\'t wait for launch.
07:43pm on Monday, February 4th, 2019

Jason Griffith - United States
Being apart of this endevour gives me great pleasure. I too have had my quota of failures. It\'s time for a better future. With Ash at the helm I truly beleive we all will prosper. Thank you Ash and staff for providing this opportunity of a lifetime.
05:34pm on Monday, February 4th, 2019

EP Ephran Price - usa
Thank you Ash. United as ONE!
05:05pm on Monday, February 4th, 2019

JT Janis Taylor - United States
I thank God for a time such as this! All the years of trying to reinvent myself with an online home business have FINALLY come to pass! Thank you soooo much Ash and the many unnamed leaders, marketers, engineers and techies that have come together on one accord to make this possible.
It is wonderful to be truly excited about our present and future. Buckle up Founders we are in for the ride of our lives!
03:12pm on Monday, February 4th, 2019

WC Wally Cochran - United States
So glad I can look back and say glad to have joined this awesome opportunity as a Founder
11:57am on Monday, February 4th, 2019

JF Jerome Kenneth Frisco - United States
11:46am on Monday, February 4th, 2019

JG Jeanette Gaston - United States
Thank you Ash and team; I\'m so proud to be a Founder
09:09am on Monday, February 4th, 2019

KP Kristy Poms
Excited to be apart of this!!
08:33am on Monday, February 4th, 2019

RE Roem Emverda - USA
Amazing Solution for all! GO USA!
08:02am on Monday, February 4th, 2019

Barbara Hosch - United States
I\'m so excited, this is such a blessing.
02:23am on Sunday, February 3rd, 2019

PO Paul Orr - United States
Thanks Ash for this amazing opportunity. God bless you.
09:02pm on Saturday, February 2nd, 2019

There are thousands and thousands more TESTIMONIALS on the Founders site once you join.

If you Click on the Green Button this time it will take you to a Page where you can put in your information and SignUp.

Because our Products are proprietary and patented you can ONLY watch our others Videos explaining the details once you are a registered Founder. Many companies have tried to hack into our Platform so we are very careful on allowing access. However, you can input your information for FREE by clicking on the Green Button below.

I recommend you SignUp as a Founder and decide later if you want to pay the $97.00. Once a paid Founder you will have access to 30 or 40 videos. 100% Money Back Guarantee For Life.

Click Here For Your FREE Personalized Invitation

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